Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund

Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund, Leturer, CSE, DIU
Website Visitor Counter
Lectures by Tajim
- Embedded systems & Arduino
- Electronic Device and Circuit
- Digital Electronics
- Matlab & Computational Mathematics
- Computer Graphics Theory
- Computer Graphics LAB
- Computer Fundamentals
- Robotics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Software Engineering
- Network Security
- Data Mining
- Human Computer Interaction
- Programming Problem Solving
- Biology
- Mobile App and Android
- Telecommunication
আমাদের "JUSC" ; মানে জাহাঙ্গীরনগর বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় সায়েন্স ক্লাব। ক্যাম্পাসে এসেছি প্রায় তিন বছর হতে চললো। JUSC এর সাথে পথচলার সুয...
এই টিউটোরিয়ালটিতে আছে কিভাবে একটি সার্ভো মটর (sg91) কে সকল কোণে নিয়ন্ত্রন করা যায় একটি আর্ডুইনো (Arduino uno R3) মাইক্রোকন্ট্রোলারের মাধ্যম...
DLD 1 - IC7408, 74HC08, 74ls08 Logical AND gate experiment with full video explanation. By completing this tutorial you will know all the o...
IC7400, 74HC00, 74LS00- Logical NAND gate (Quad 2 input) - LAB experiment with full explanation. You will learn the workings of IC7400 th...
Online Shopping Management System with Customer Multi-Language Supported Query handling AIML Chatbot Student Conference on Science ...
About Tajim

Tajim Md Niamat Ullah Akhund is a Lecturer in the Department of CSE, Daffodil International University. He got the prestigious Govt. ICT Fellowship for 2019 from the ICT division, Bangladesh. He completed his M.Sc. and B.Sc. in IT from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. His research interests are IoT, Robotics, and Embedded Systems. He has hundreds of projects and some publications in his research field.
Previously, he worked as a TA and RA in IIT, Jahangirnagar University for three years. He was the Chairperson of IEEE student branch of Jahangirnagar University in 2018. He worked as the Vice President of Jahangirnagar University Science Club in 2018. He is skilled at micro-controller programming, web programming and Embedded systems project making. He got best science speaker award from red-green research society in 2017. He loves to do reciting, presenting and anchoring. He got several awards on recitation. He is also a voluntary blood donor.
- Arduino (14)
- Artificial Intelligence (1)
- Electronics & DLD (18)
- Graphics (2)
- Software Engineering Lecture (1)
- biology (6)
- circuit (5)
- computational mathematics (4)
- cv (1)
- dld (5)
- lecture (50)
- matlab (4)
- programming (14)
- projects (10)
- robotics (3)
- uva solves (9)
- লেখালেখি (13)
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