Computer Graphics LAB All Lectures

Computer Graphics LAB All Lectures

Computer Graphics LAB 1 | Introduction

Computer Graphics LAB 2 | Introduction to 2D Graphics using OpenGL

Computer Graphics LAB 3 | Installation OpenGL with Free Glut

Computer Graphics LAB 4 | Installation OpenGL with Glut32 in Codeblocks

Computer Graphics LAB 5 | Exp 1 | Drawing Lines using OpenGL

Computer Graphics LAB 6 | Exp 2 | Drawing Rectangles using OpenGL

Computer Graphics-LAB 7 | Exp 3 | Drawing Triangle by polygon using OpenGL

Computer Graphics LAB 8 | Exp 4 | Drawing a house using Polygon and OpenGL

Computer Graphics LAB 9 | Exp 5 | Drawing a Star using OpenGL

Computer Graphics LAB 10 | Exp 6 | DDA Algorithm OpenGL

Computer Graphics LAB 11 | Exp 7 | Bresenham Algorithm in OpenGL with code

OpenGL LAB 12 | Exp 8 | Circle draw with Direct Polynomial and Trigonometric Algorithm with code

Computer Graphics LAB 13 | Exp 9 | Mid point Circle draw Algorithm in OpenGL with code

Computer Graphics LAB 14 | Exp 10 | Bresenham Circle Drawing Algorithm in OpenGL with code

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Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund
Lecturer, CSE, DIU

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