How to make an Android mobile phone controlled Robot | A-Z tutorial with code.

Hello!!! Today you will know how to make an Android mobile phone controlled Robot in a easy way in a short time. :)
At first see the following 2 videos on: "Workshop on Mobile Phone Controlled Robot Making | Bluettoth HC05 | Arduino | L298".

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What you need:

1. Download the Bluetooth RC Controller from google play store. You can download any app. Here i have download this. You have to know what your app sends via Bluetooth. The "Bluetooth RC Controller" app sends F, B, L, R, S etc letters via Bluetooth. So, I have used those letters in my coding. If you install another app then at first you have to know what letters the app sends, then modify the code ass the sending letters.

2. Arduino UNO R3.

3. HC-05 Bluetooth module.

4. L298 or L293 motor driver.

5. 2 DC gear motor.

6. Robotic chassis.

7. Breadboard.

8. Connecting wires.

9. Battery etc.

Then complete the connections carefully as below:

Then burn this code on your Arduino that i have made for you and enjoy :)The Code:

The code is also here: 
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